
Chapter 5 - The Festival of Colours - Adventures in Rapelo

Descripción: Adventures in Rapelo - Chapter 5 - The Festival of Colours. Audiobook (Basic level).

Rapelo was known for its vibrant festivals, and the most anticipated one was the Festival of Colours. Natalia and Claudia had heard marvelous stories about it and were thrilled to participate for the first time.


The festival took place in the village square, which was beautifully decorated with colourful banners and ribbons. The villagers gathered, wearing bright clothes, and carrying baskets of colourful powder. The atmosphere was joyous as everyone threw the powder into the air, creating a mesmerizing rainbow of colours.


Natalia and Claudia joined in the fun, smearing each other's faces with different shades of powder. They danced, laughed, and made new friends during the celebrations. The twins couldn't believe how much happiness a splash of color could bring to everyone's lives.



  1. about /əˈbaʊt/ - sobre
  2. and /ænd/ - y
  3. anticipated /ænˈtɪsɪˌpeɪtɪd/ - esperado/a
  4. as /æz/ - como
  5. atmosphere /ˈæt·məˌsfɪr/ - atmósfera
  6. banners /ˈbæn·ərz/ - pancartas
  7. basket /ˈbæs·kɪt/ - cesta
  8. bright /braɪt/ - brillante
  9. carrying /ˈker·iɪŋ/ - llevando
  10. Claudia /ˈklɔ·di·ə/ - Claudia
  11. clothes /kloʊðz/ - ropa
  12. colours /ˈkʌl·ərz/ - colores
  13. couldn't /ˈkʊd·ənt/ - no podían
  14. create /krɪˈeɪt/ - crear
  15. danced /dænst/ - bailaron
  16. decorated /ˈdɛkəˌreɪtɪd/ - decorado/a
  17. different /ˈdɪf·ər·ənt/ - diferente
  18. during /ˈdʊr·ɪŋ/ - durante
  19. faces /feɪs·ɪz/ - caras
  20. festival /ˈfɛs·tə·vəl/ - festival
  21. festivals /ˈfɛs·tə·vəlz/ - festivales
  22. first /fɜrst/ - primero/a
  23. for /fɔr/ - para
  24. friends /frɛndz/ - amigos
  25. fun /fʌn/ - diversión
  26. gathered /ˈɡæð·ərd/ - se reunieron
  27. happiness /ˈhæp·i·nəs/ - felicidad
  28. heard /hɜrd/ - escuchado/a
  29. how /haʊ/ - cómo
  30. into /ˈɪn·tu/ - en
  31. joyous /ˈdʒɔɪ·əs/ - jubiloso/a
  32. joined /dʒɔɪnd/ - se unieron
  33. known /noʊn/ - conocido/a
  34. lives /laɪvz/ - vidas
  35. made /meɪd/ - hicieron
  36. marvelous /ˈmɑr·və·ləs/ - maravilloso/a
  37. mesmerizing /ˈmɛz·məˌraɪz·ɪŋ/ - hipnotizante
  38. much /mʌtʃ/ - mucho/a
  39. Natalia /nəˈtæl·jə/ - Natalia
  40. new /nu/ - nuevo/a
  41. of /ʌv/ - de
  42. one /wʌn/ - uno/a
  43. participate /pɑrˈtɪs·əˌpeɪt/ - participar
  44. place /pleɪs/ - lugar
  45. powder /ˈpaʊ·dər/ - polvo
  46. rainbow /ˈreɪn·boʊ/ - arcoíris
  47. rapelo /rəˈpɛ·loʊ/ - Rapelo
  48. ribbons /ˈrɪb·ənz/ - cintas
  49. smearing /smɪrɪŋ/ - untando
  50. square /skwɛr/ - plaza
  51. stories /ˈstɔr·iz/ - historias
  52. the /ðə/ - el, la, los, las
  53. they /ðeɪ/ - ellos/as
  54. thrilled /θrɪld/ - emocionado/a
  55. threw /θru/ - arrojaron
  56. time /taɪm/ - tiempo
  57. to /tu/ - a
  58. took /tʊk/ - tuvo lugar
  59. twin /twɪn/ - gemelo/a
  60. twins /twɪnz/ - gemelos/as
  61. vibrant /ˈvaɪ·brənt/ - vibrante
  62. village /ˈvɪl·ɪdʒ/ - pueblo
  63. villagers /ˈvɪl·ɪdʒ·ərz/ - aldeanos
  64. was /wəz/ - era
  65. wearing /ˈwɛr·ɪŋ/ - llevando puesto/a
  66. which /wɪtʃ/ - que
  67. with /wɪθ/ - con